
Finding Your

10 Page Worksheet Overview:

  • Think about a challenge in your life that you have managed or overcome. Write about it.
  •  List any qualities or strengths that helped you manage or overcome this situation.

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Give Yourself a
Self-Concept Makeover

10 Pages Worksheet Overview

  • What are the limiting beliefs I hold that were created through past experiences?
  • Are these limiting beliefs valid? How is my life limiting my beliefs about me?

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How to Overcome

20 Page Worksheet Overview:

  • Why is it important to get your mind on the right track?
  • Why should you always expect the best?
  • What does removing negative thoughts do for you?

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How to Write Your Own
Success Story

12 Pages Worksheet Overview:

  • Discover what may be holding you back from being the success you want to be.
  • Determine what skills and training you need to achieve your goals.

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Negotiate Like A Pro

11 Pages Worksheet Overview:

  • Seven questions for you to work through that will help you be a better negotiator.
  • Answer these questions and gain better negotiating power and skills.

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Live the Best Year
of Your Life

11 Pages Worksheet Overview:

  • What can I learn from my past?
  • In what ways is my life out of balance?
  • What are my goals for the next year?

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Goal Setting

9 Page Worksheet Overview:

Make your goals:
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevent
  • Timely

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Turn Your Dreams
Into Action

11 Pages Worksheet Overview:

Explore each of these areas:
  • 5 Key goals to achieve this year
  • 5 new skills to learn
  • 5 issues to resolve
  • 5 relationships to work on

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Why we get stuck…

10 Pages Worksheet Overview:

  • How do I define success?
  • What would my life look like if I were successful?
  • How long does it take me to make simple decisions?

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30 Days to
Greater Self-Love

13 Page Worksheet Overview:

  • 10 Questions for you to answer and prepare you for a 30 day challenge.
  • This can be an effective way to learn to love and appreciate yourself.

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The Keys to
Becoming a Leader

11 Pages Worksheet Overview:

  • The leader works in the open, and the boss in covert. The leader leads, and the boss drives.
  • 16 questions will help you explore your leadership skills and inborn talents.

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The Power Within

10 Pages Worksheet Overview:

  • There are strategies that anyone can use to gain more power in their life.
  • 10 Pages with 7 questions. Answer these questions to help you gain more power in your life.

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